Decanting exposes the wine to more oxygen, allowing it to develop to its full potential The intriguing appeal of a familiar form distilled to its essence...at the hands of a master glassblower, Riedel's Swan decanter transcends to a magnificent work of art. Perched on a dining table or sideboard, the expressive Riedel Swan Decanter swoops from the slender, elongated neck (the pour spout) to the ample body (with plenty of room for wine to breathe) and skyward again to the upturned tail (where wine is poured in). The dramatic curves of the Riedel Swan Decanter also fit surprisingly comfortably into the hand for lifting and the well-balanced proportions make for flawless tilting to meet a wine glass. The Riedel Swan Decanter is mouth-blown of premium 24-percent leaded crystal for radiance and clarity, the decanter holds a standard-sized bottle of wine and measures a dramatic 23-5/8 inches high. The renowned Riedel family of Austria has specialized in fine glassware for more 300 years and holds every piece to exacting standards of quality and originality. Hand washing is recommended.
Dimensions of the Riedel Swan Wine Decanter:
Height: 23-5/8" Capacity: 26 oz